Cooperative Kids Publishing
Cooperative Kids Publishing
Publications by Behavior Specialist, Bill Corbett

Welcome to Bill Corbett's Cooperative Kids Publishing
Welcome to Bill Corbett's Cooperative Kids Publishing

With today's stressful schedule for parents and teachers, raising children continues to become more and more challenging. But with some fun education and step-by-step techniques for daily use, parenting can be effective and rewarding.
In 2009, Bill Corbett became a certified parent educator and began working on his degree in clinical psychology, specializing in youth and young adult behavior. His mission was then to help other parents master the skills necessary for raising independent and bully-proof kids.
The materials offered by Bill's publishing company will help you in the most difficult job you'll ever have... raising children.

Creating Cooperative Kids
The Podcast
A podcast designed to help parents and professionals raise confident and cooperative kids who will one day find their purpose in life... on schedule. By listening to this creating cooperative kids podcast, you'll learn techniques for getting your kids to cooperate with you and the result will be having children who are more loving and fun to be with. These techniques are respectful to both you and your child and when practiced over and over, you'll find yourself with more peace and calmness in your home, or in your classroom if you're a teacher.

The Expert's Guide to
The Expert's Guide to
10 Interviews with Professionals Who Share What They've Learned
By Bill Corbett
Parent coach and author, Bill Corbett, has interviewed many different experts over the years and asked them the tough questions about parenting and kids that parents want to know the answers to. This book is one in a series, compiled with the intent of sharing what these experts had to say.
This edition of the EXPERT'S GUIDE series is all about teens and tweens - children ages 9 and up. You will learn why they love to argue, how much freedom to give them, ways to keep them safe, and so much more. Get ready to learn more about your older child.
Chapters in this book include:
- Why teenagers seem to develop an 'allergy' to their parents
- Strategies for connecting and bonding
- How to help teens develop safe driving habits
- What to do if you discover your child is smoking pot
- Helping them stay safe while navigating the internet
- Techniques for connecting with 'hard to reach' teens
- Understanding situations with boys and violence
Published July 10, 2014 - 10 Chapters - 81 pages
(Available in Kindle, print and audible editions)

Love, Limits, & Lessons®
Love, Limits, & Lessons®
A Parent's Guide to Raising Cooperative Kids
By Bill Corbett
Love, Limits, & Lessons® offers solid common sense solutions for raising capable and cooperative kids in today's fast-paced world. Designed with the quick reference approach in mind, this book will allow you to turn immediately to the situations you find yourself faced with most often. This book replaces the original edition and also contains all of the information that was published in the blue covered VOLUME 2 edition below (plus a few new chapters!)
Published April 4, 2012 - 60 Chapters - 300 pages
(Available in Paperback, Kindle & Audible)

Love, Limits, & Lessons®
Love, Limits, & Lessons®
By Bill Corbett
The original 2008 publication is now available in a wonderfully translated paperback Spanish language edition. This edition is a translation of the original Love, Limits & Lessons book published in 2008. It does not include new content included in the new expanded edition published in 2012.
Published Spring 2009 - 42 Chapters - 205 pages
(Available in Kindle and print editions)

Parenting Expert
Parenting Expert
How to Start a Business Speaking to Parents & Teachers
How to Start a Business Speaking to Parents & Teachers
By Bill Corbett
This book was developed as a guide for those in the field of parent education who desire to change the lives of more parents and children than just those served by their local organization or within their community. It offers brand-building marketing ideas and entrepreneurial techniques that incorporate Web 2.0 strategies for transforming them self from just someone who teaches parenting classes to the regional or national go-to person in the field of parenting, families and child behavior. If you want to have an impact on more families and earn a higher level of income doing it, this eBook is a must-read resource you will refer to again and aga
Published Nov. 25, 2014 - 27 Chapters - 201 pages
(Available in Kindle - soon available in print)

The Expert's Guide to Professional Speaking
The Expert's Guide to Professional Speaking
26 Interviews with Those Who Share What They've Learned
26 Interviews with Those Who Share What They've Learned
By Bill Corbett
This book is a collection of the transcripts of 26 interviews that will give you insider tips and suggestions on how to start or grow your business as a speaker. And it's not just about professional speaking. It doesn't matter what you do for work, just about all of us have to speak as part of our business or marketing plans to do our job successfully or grow our businesses stronger. First, here's where this book came from.
After publishing my book, From the Soapbox to the Stage: How to Use Your Passion to Start a Speaking Business, I decided that I wanted to find a way to have conversations with other professional speakers to find out how they began their own journeys, and to also see if they would be willing to share tips and advice that could compliment what I had written in my book. The result was a public access television show I produced that became a professional speaker interview platform in which I had the awesome opportunity to meet top speakers earning their living by speaking professionally. This book is a collection of the transcripts from these amazing television interviews. So sit back and enjoy this book and be sure to take lots of notes.
Published March 2018 - 26 Chapters
(Available in Kindle - soon available from Audible)

Have you ever thought about taking the knowledge or passion you have and turning it into an income? Thousands of people do it every day and there are many organizations looking for individuals just like you, those willing to present to their groups to educate, inform and entertain their members. Anyone can take what they know and turn it into dough! This podcast will offer easy-to-implement tips to help you do just that. You will hear from many experts ready and willing to offer up the secrets that helped them launch their speaking career, both large and small.

Becoming a Conference Speaker
Becoming a Conference Speaker
How to go From Attendee to Breakout to Keynote
How to go From Attendee to Breakout to Keynote
By Bill Corbett
There are hundreds of conferences being held each week in all major cities around the U.S. and abroad, and many are paying good money to bring in speakers to inspire, educate or entertain their audiences. Anyone with some expertise can jump into the conference speaker circuit to expand their following, build their brand or increase their revenue as an expert in their line of business.
This book will not only show you how to find those conferences in your field of expertise, but it will also groom you to become one of those speakers who are hired again and again. You will learn the differences between conference breakout speakers, showcase speakers and the ‘Grand Poobah’ of all; the keynote speaker.
There is a code of conduct used by the kind of conference speakers that conference planners are always seeking and that code is what this book is all about. Conference planners want speakers that get their audience members to write, “bring this speaker back again”, in their comments on the conference evaluation forms they fill out.
By following the plan in this book, you will become one of those speakers, regardless of what your expertise is or what line of business you’re in. Get ready to learn the inside secrets for becoming a top-notch and much sought after conference speaker and keynoter.
Published July 22, 2014 - 21 Chapters - 78 pages
(Available in Kindle - soon available in print)

The 2.0 Entrepreneur
The 2.0 Entrepreneur
20+ Marketing Strategies for Growing
Your Business Both Off and Online
20+ Marketing Strategies for Growing
Your Business Both Off and Online
By Bill Corbett
This book is about growing your business in a world that’s becoming more complex and competitive by the day. Full of cutting-edge marketing strategies and ideas, it is an excellent resource for professionals looking to grow their business and increase their options for connecting with new and potential customers.
Entrepreneur and author Bill Corbett draws on his vast experience of successfully starting several independent businesses to offer a detailed approach to inbound marketing. He combines the best offline strategies with innovative and contemporary 2.0 online strategies for establishing yourself as the ‘go to’ person in your industry.
The result is a perceptive and practical book that will change the way you see your role in your business. By taking action and implementing the ideas, strategies, and information provided, you will be building a broader marketing platform that will help you solidify your presence as a leader in your market.
Bill Corbett is a professional speaker who delivers keynote speeches and training seminars across the United States, and helps his clients leverage 2.0 strategies in order to grow top line revenues. Bill has built several successful businesses from the ground up using top-notch entrepreneurial techniques to implement inbound marketing campaigns. He has thousands of followers and subscribers tuning into his various social media channels, and he knows how to work them all to maintain platform growth and connect with both new and established customers, clients, and collaborators. He is a much sought after business consultant, trainer and mentor, is a regular contributor to major network television affiliates, and currently produces two television shows as part of his own unique marketing plan.
Published January 7, 2014 - 29 Chapters - 250 pages
(Available in Kindle & print)

From the Soapbox to the Stage
From the Soapbox to the Stage
How to Use Your Passion to Start a Speaking Business
How to Use Your Passion to Start a Speaking Business
By Bill Corbett
Inside every adult is an instinctive desire to help and serve others. It’s also part of our nature to want to do things that keep us engaged and excited about getting up in the morning. If you've figured out how to bring this balance into your life, others will want to hear about the information, ideas, knowledge and strategies you've used to build and live a more fulfilling life.
You are an expert at something, and we all possess knowledge or information that can help others. We just don’t always have the opportunity to share it because we spent most of our time working to achieve other people’s agendas. It doesn't have to be that way.
In this book you’ll learn how to combine your knowledge and passion to share, educate, inspire or entertain others as a professional speaker. You’ll learn easy steps for developing and organizing your message, finding your audiences, building a speaking business, and presenting yourself as the kind of professional people look forward to working with and listening to.
Now is the time to tap into your passion and develop it into an expertise you can move From the Soapbox to the Stage!
Published July 24, 2013 - 29 Chapters - 228 pages
(Available in Paperback, Kindle & Audible)

Speakers' Worst Nighmares
Speakers' Worst Nighmares
40 Stories of the Worst Speakers' Nightmares
40 Stories of the Worst Speakers' Nightmares
Compiled by Bill Corbett
Professional speaker and author Bill Corbett has compiled 40 of the most amazing stories as related by speakers who have had terrifying and humorous experiences on and off the podium. Each professional's story unfolds in the 60 pages with amazing detail in the entertainment or business world. Here are the chapters in the eBook:
1. Personal Failures
2. Audiences from Hell
3. Equipment and Power Malfunctions
4. Event Confusion
5. Demonstrations Gone Wrong
6. Wardrobe Malfunctions
7. When Others Don't Play Fair
Published August 10, 2013 - 60 pages
(Available only as a Kindle edition)